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Apparel & Equipment Requirements

Team Uniforms: Appropriate apparel for the sport and season.  See each sport for Uniform details and equipment requirements.  At the end of the season you are expected to return your athlete's uniform. We will have it cleaned and stored in our climate controlled storage area, and return it to you at the appropriate time next season. In the event your athletes switch sports for next year’s season, an appropriate uniform will be provided for the sport chosen. 

Spirit Wear: In addition Spirit wear will be available at nominal a cost. For example, Kool Kats Bowling Shirts are $35.00 (more for larger sizes), Swim Suits for men are $45.00 and women are $60.00; Warm up Suits (jacket and pants) are around $55 to $70 based on size and color. You can review and order Spirit Wear for athletes and participating parents and care givers by this link to the GA Pathways Marketplace or contact our Uniform and spirit Wear Volunteer on the important names page. 

In some sports, GMST provides a custom fit uniform for team play.  The jersey and shorts is expected to last three to five years and. Once your athlete is selected on a specific team, we will be ordering a uniform. Our uniform supplier will be available at one or two practice sessions to have your athlete fitted for proper size. Matching Long pants for fall games are available for purchase. If you miss the uniform sizing meeting, you are expected to schedule a personal appointment at their office in Snellville, GA. 

If you are a returning athlete, it is expected that the uniform used last year will be worn. If size adjustments need to be made, that can be arranged at the uniform fitting session.  If your athlete changes teams this season, you must return last year’s uniform and you will be issued a new uniform for the new team. 

We request that at the end of the season to return your uniform to GMST for storage in our climate controlled store room.  If you have lost last year’s uniform or it is no longer suitable for reuse, you are expected to purchase a new uniform at a cost of $110. 

Team Uniforms are worn only at tournaments and State Games. Practice shirts may be available. The uniform is provided and measured to fit each athlete.  All new athletes will be issued new uniforms.  Other personal equipment and clothing needed will vary depending on the sport and the season. Contact your coach for this information.

Team Equipment. Depending on the sport, team equipment is provided as needed. For example, for Floor Hockey we will provide all game equipment, such as pads, helmets, sticks and pucks. For Basketball and Volleyball, practice balls are provided along with the field nets. For Softball we provide the Safety home Plates, proper soft balls,  etc. Oherwise athletes provide his personal batting helmet, softball glove, and an ASA certified Softball bat.

    Contact Us

    220 Bayswater Drive, Suwanee, GA 30024
    Phone: 404-625-3988  | Digital Marketing
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