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Sports Application/The Registration Process

The Registration Process:  A parents meeting will be announced in advance of each sports season. A new or updated registration form is required by GMST at the start of training.  We encourage you to review this document and as appropriate review this with your athlete; accept the terms, codes of conduct, and provide general information available at the time of printing. When GMST receives your registration, you will be contacted by a coach with information about your athlete’s participation for your selected sport. If you have any questions regarding registration, please feel free to contact the head coach, the GMST Athletic Director or GMST Coordinator. 

Our Code of Conduct: Please note that each athlete is responsible for signing an “Athlete Code of Conduct” form which is included in this document.  Coaches also sign a “Coaches Code of Conduct” form.  

Behavioral Management and Discipline:  Any athletes, coaches or volunteers who violate any of the principles of the “Code of Conduct” will be subject to an interview, a review and decision by our Behavior Coordinator Team, and appropriate discipline action will be taken. Details and reporting forms are available by asking the coordinator or Athletic Director. 

The Medical Application: If your athlete is new to Special Olympics, the first step is to complete a medical application form. This application must complete by a qualified physician and must be submitted to GMST before the first practice. Said medical application will be valid for three years. In the event you are attending for the first time your athlete may start practice providing you the parent or caregiver remain at the field or gymnasium during practice in the case of an emergency or injury? If your athlete has participated in Special Olympics while in the high school program, we may be able to acquire a copy of the medical application from your county school coordinator. 

League Play:  Each season GMST offers three or four sports League programs  to co-inside with Special Olympics Seasons. You must choose one sport as your competition sport per season; however you can cross-train in other sports if you wish. The sports available per season are explained in the Sports Offered Tab of this web site. During the sport league play, there will be weekly practice sessions with trained coaches, and one or more scrimmage games or area competitions with our agencies and teams in the Atlanta Regional area. These events are usually on Saturdays.

State Games Competition: At the end of the League play, GMST will register anyone else who wishes to participate in State Games only. Our non-profit Greater Atlanta Pathways funds the registration fees for all GMST masters athletes to State Games competition. 

Annual Programs: In addition we offer a bowling league in Buford, GA from September to May. This provides competition at State games in Marietta at Winter Games. We can also connect you with other sports such as Equestrian, Gymnastics, and Tennis.  

Transportation: Finally, remember that you are responsible for arranging your own transportation to and from practices, tournaments and state games. In the past, team transportation has been provided for Fall Games with the cost of this included in your donation amount.  Also remember, that it is important that you arrive on time and be picked up from practice or events in a timely manner. All coaches and volunteers donate their time and talents to train your athlete in his or her sport.

Housing: Should you as a parent or care giver wish to attend the State Games, you should make your own hotel arrangements months in advance of the event. 

Through our registration process with SOGA, Special Olympics GA your athlete will be provided a hotel room during the state games.  

INSURANCE:  Greater Atlanta Pathways now provides a level of insurance for GMST athletes, coaches, volunteers as well as Liability Insurance for our venue providers. Medical insurance is provided with a $500 deductible is provided for each athlete per sport per year. This coverage is secondary to any personal medical insurance.  Property Damage, General Liability and Sexual Abuse policies are also in force. As soon as available, we will publish a brief overview of this insurance. 

Greater Atlanta Pathways:  GAP is a special needs umbrella organization of which GMST is a program offered by GAP, along with other special needs organizations. GAP was started with the goal of offering opportunities and resources for GMST athletes and their families to pursue other interests such as Life Skills, Social Skills, Music and the Arts, and Therapy. Specific programs will be offered often for both athletes and families and care givers. Membership in GAP is an annual cost of $60. Once you register for a sport or join with a Membership to GAP, watch for regular newsletters to explain all the program offerings. 

Your completed registration form, a current Medical application with SOGA and your donation agreement for the sport you select is required no later than the first practice of your sport. Please make a copy for your records. If you are registering at a sign-up event, we will email you a copy of the registration packet you have completed. Due to insurance requirements, your athlete cannot compete in practice without a current medical. 

If you need additional copies of this document or other forms, they are available on the website @ or for more information, contact the GMST office at 404-625-3988. 

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